Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pics Pics and More Pics

From Mrs. Mendoza we have here pics from the Rockies' dugout, batting cage, visitor's batting cage, right behind homeplate and the infamous humidor (silver doors).
By the way, I forgot to mention that the Colorado Rockies have what is quite possibly the greatest perk of all time: 2 tickets to every game for each part-time employee (4 tix for full-time).
What's amazing is that she is getting paid for this stuff.
T-Minus 2 weeks till we visit Hi-Corbett. My gosh time is slogging by.

-Mendoza's 5280 (reasons to fixup your resume and apply like Mrs. Mendoza did).


Howard said...

You two aren't going to be able to go to ALL the games, are you? Hmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Uhhhh....I hate to ask, but what's the deal with the humidor ? Do they have cigars in it ?

Mendoza's 5280 said...

Rockies Org. believes that it's mostly the super-dry air of Colorado, along with the elevation, that causes baseballs to fly with less resistance. So they keep their baseballs in the humidor at the manufacturers humidity spec's to combat any perceived gains from the ball flying better through the dry/thin air.