Thursday, October 25, 2007

Baseball Gods to Hurdle: "Your test begins now"

I'm going to be straightforward here with how the CoRox can beat down the BoSux: change around the lineup. During this whole 8-day layoff I've been hoping and anxiously awaiting Hurdle's decision on who would be the DH there in Boston, and then the lineup comes out with Spilborghs there. Not sure why he was there; Hurdle should know that Seth Smith does amazing things given the chance and that Spily has essentially been a noneventful player this postseason. And why oh why is Hurdle not bunting Taveras on base more? During the pre-season Spring Training games, Hurdle was making Taveras bunt left and right and it was taking a serious toll on the opposing pitchers' gameplans. But since Taveras came back he's been a non-event, like Spily, except for one outstanding (possibly game-saving) catch against the D-Bags. Hurdle's got to either get Taveras back to bunting where he can at least get the blood running through him (high-energy player) or switch him up altogether with Cory Sullivan; and Spily has to take a seat too on DH and Seth Smith has to replace him immediately. Kiszla actually makes sense at the end of his article.
Whatever Hurdle does, he has to start rewarding performance by mixing up the lineup tonight (maybe put Tulo in the 2 or 3 spot since he seems born ready to play in the World Series and maybe give Hawpe 1 more chance before considering moving him back a spot) and get Seth Smith somewhere in there. Smith's a play-maker plain and simple and perhaps Hurdle deserved only 1 run on offense for not playing him.

Mendoza's 5280 (confused looks from us CoRox fans after hearing Helton say Spily would be DH)

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