Saturday, October 13, 2007

So the Rockies sucked at bat...

but the D-bags sucked more at everything else in the end. Why Valverde wasn't pulled after his first walk is beyond me; especially if he's never gone 2 innings in a row before. You could tell he was broken down emotionally after walking Carroll especially; I'm hoping he's broken down for the rest of the games here on out. Jimenez was amazing; you gotta just put that guy in a troubling situation every time I suppose to really get his talent out there.
Go Rox!

Mendoza's 5280


Howard said...

Funny but both closers blew it, although Valverde blew it bigger. I think he lost it when Spelberges dinked a slow roller down 3rd baseline and Valverde seemed to stumble around trying to avoid stepping on the white line. He was just staring at that line afterwards. I'll bet he's seriously superstitious because he just tanked after that. Holliday looked clueless tonight and I think it started when he blew the one at-bat in the 3rd or 4th with runners at 2nd and 3rd, one out, and all he had to do was hit the ball hard somewhere. Three whiffs. After that, he was mentally cooked. Total pitcher's duel, which is nerve-wracking baseball. Rockies got 'er done, though. Three games at Curs...

Mendoza's 5280 said...

Ya it's funny you mention the stepping on the line thing, Howard, because that's the exact same thing I was telling Ms. Mendoza here right when it happened ("uh-oh, Ms. Mendoza, he sees that he stepped on the line.")
Emotional bullpen guys like him are the most superstition-believing guys in baseball if you ask me and you could pretty much see that he had a lock of "oh shit" right when he saw that he stepped on the line. And I don't know if you saw it but when he was finally yanked out by Melvin he took a big jump over the line on his way out; not that it mattered then since he had already lost the game.
So ya that was a nice emotional breakdown in the Rockies' favor.
Yay D-Bags breakdowns!