Monday, October 22, 2007

You people apparently read my blog or read my mind...

"21st Street from Market Street to Blake Street is closed as is Blake Street from 22nd Street to 20th Street due to heavy pedestrian traffic in the area around Coors Field."

Well if/when the website reopens it'll just re-crash itself (perhaps a couple thousand tickets will go out before that though) and then maybe the Rockies office will consider King Sooper's sales or line lottery for the rest, in which case it would be a good thing to be within proximity of a car and a King Sooper's.

Mendoza's 5280 (reasons to keep at least half a tank of gas in your car at all times).


Howard said...

I'm expecting a 10 a.m. do-over Tuesday morning... with bad results again because there will be even more website hits and the Rockies' ticket borkers will probably simplify/eliminate many of the security measures, which will make it easier for slimy ticket brokers to skew the system in their favor. The headline story on the local newspaper today was "Start Your Keyboards: Employees scramble to buy Rockies tickets online" So even though my northern Colorado is less Rockies crazy than many front range cities, the local and teevee press attention only encourages more people to take their chances with the World Series Online Lottery. This mess will just draw MORE attention to the means of getting World Series tickets anywhere in the world, selling them to the highest bidder, and getting rich. Ick.

Mendoza's 5280 said...

That's what I suspect as well, although this sounds awfully suspicious from the Rockies' website frontpage: "Almost all of the tickets for the three games in Denver remain available, and a new plan to sell them will be announced soon".
Maybe they switch to line lottery/ King Soopers tomorrow? Who Knows.

Howard said...


Next Monday evening, Denver, Colorado becomes the center of the sports universe as it hosts Game 5 of the World Series as well as Monday Night Football with Green Bay visiting Mile Hi Stadium against the Denver Broncos.
